AUSTIN, Texas, CHICAGO, Illinois & NEW YORK CITY, New York – February, 2008 — GradientD worked in conjunction with VisualMedia (now VisMed3D), Ogilvy and Unilever to create a “video booth” (like a picture booth, but with video) as part of a campaign to help promote Bertolli’s line of frozen dinner products.

Entitled “Bertolli Nights In”, hosted by celebrity chef Rocco DiSpirito, and popped up during the 80th Academy Awards in Los Angeles and New York, passers by would enter the booth and record a story of their perfect “romantic night in”. The best story winner would get “full star treatment from Bertolli in Hollywood”, and voters had the opportunity to win “a trip to NYC and a chance to meet celeb chef hunk Rocco DiSpirito.”
This project involved creating software that would present the user of the booth with instructions, record their video, take credit card information and process the videos for review by Bertolli staff.